Call 512-447-7663 to Inquire. Leave a message and you will get a callback.
When you choose a company to work for, look at the industry. Is there demand? In the roofing industry, everyone that owns a house has a roof. And they will always need roof repairs, maintenance, and replacement. Keith Barker has been in roofing his whole life, and knows the industry inside out – and you will have an opportunity to learn from the best in the business. He is a 3rd generation roofer – and as most people in the Austin area know, “Barker Means Roof!” You will gain valuable insights into a great industry, and we are excited to be growing and hiring talented people who have a great attitude and are willing to put in the time and effort to succeed!
We are looking for the right type of people to join our team and we’re excited about the opportunity to meet you! Our open positions start at $18/hr. Experience in the trades is valued, but it is not required because we will provide the necessary training. We are looking for people who want a chance to improve their position in life and join a growing company in an industry with long-term demand. If this sounds like it might be a good fit for you, please contact our office to set up an interview at (512) 447-7663.
Mon - Fri
8am - 4pm
Call us to set up an appointment